

A los que no seáis del sur de España, quizá os pueda sorprender esta imagen pero, creedme, Andalucía is different y esto, aunque parezca extraño ocurre con relativa frecuencia en la Semana de Pasión. 
La abnegada esposa-novia-amante se acerca a "su penitente" para llevarle un bocadillo o un refresco, eso sí, divina de la muerte que, entre tanto sufrimiento semanasantero está bien poner la nota sexy-glam.
People who is not from the south of Spain probably would be suprised watching this pic but, believe me, Andalucia is different and this could seem strange but it happens quite often during the Holy Week.
The selfless wife-girlfriend-lover approaches "her penitent" to take him a sandwiche or a drink, but of course, looking absolutely fabulous because it´s nice to put some sexy-glam dressing in the Holy Week salad.

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